What is pre-boarding and why is it so important?

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What is pre-boarding and why is it so important?

Take the paperwork out of the way

The period prior to boarding is an ideal opportunity to provide your new employees all the required paperwork for employment. This allows them to think about important decisions such as benefits election or 401k contribution. Additionally this eliminates the need to make these decisions within their first week of employment which reduces anxiety. So that could result from having to complete these tasks in a hurry, freeing them up to concentrate on other important tasks such as training Proof of Address for loan.

Reduce their stress

Changes in employment can cause stress for some people, particularly during the waiting time when they’ve accepted an offer but prior to the day they start. Relax their nerves by giving them the information they may be anxious about, for example when they should be arriving on their first day? What do they need to wear? What is the parking situation? Do they need to bring lunch?

These little things can distract a person’s attention and cause people to think of your business with stress. So do your best to give as much information as you can.

Establishing relationships

There’s no reason waiting until your very first day of your new employee to be introduced to your team. Indeed, your time before the start of the employee’s onboarding is the ideal time to start that process. In the pre-boarding period, send your new employee an email with details about whom they’ll work with, or let team members contact each other individually. If your organization or team will be hosting an event during the timeframe. You could invite your new employee to the event to allow them to meet the entire team in a relaxed setting. This is a fantastic alternative to the issue mentioned above also — for new employees to discover how welcoming. nd warm the new members of their team can help ease their initial anxieties Proof of Address for loan.

Engage them

Though starting a new position is stressful for certain people, for others it’s an exciting time in their lives. As employers, you need to be aware of the huge issue this is for new employees by giving tiny welcome presents. Does your business offer employees with company-branded sweatshirts, mugs and pens or other office equipment? Bring them in prior to the start of your new employee’s day. Be sure to include all the things they need to perform their job (think the uniform or computer). Apart from enthralling them, it also sends an indication that you care about them and creates the foundation for the perception they have of you in the role of employer.

It may seem like a little initiatives, but they could make a difference in creating the kind of engagement that is necessary to keep your new employees in the long run. The initial few weeks that can make or break the way employees view your business as an employer. Beginning off with a bad start can be a difficult hurdle to overcome. Begin to build your pre-boarding plan now in order. Which that when you take on your next employee you’ll be ready to start engaging immediately after they accept the offer.

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