What documentation can I submit for proof of income?

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  • What documentation can I submit for proof of income?

The most common documentations for proof of income includes:

  • Pay stub
  • Bank Statements (personal & business)
  • Copy of last year’s federal tax return
  • Wages and tax statement (W-2 and/ or 1099)

If you cannot provide a copy of one of the common documents listed above, please see below for a full list of approved documents:


  1. Copy of last year’s federal tax returns along with federal schedule E that accurately Show current income (can be Federal or state).
  2. Wages and tax statements (W-2 and/ or 1099, including 1099 MISC, 1099G, 1099R, 1099SSA, 1099DIV, 1099SS, 1099INT).
  3. Pay stub
  4. Self-employment ledger documentation
  5. Social Security Benefits Letter
  6. Unemployment Benefits Letter


  1. 1040 SE with Schedule C, F, or SE (for self-employment income)
    1065 Schedule K1 with Schedule E
  2. Tax returns
  3. Bookkeeping records, including receipts for all allowable expenses
  4. Bank Statement (personal & business)
  5. Signed time sheets and receipt of payroll, if you have employees
  6. Most recent quarterly or year-to-date profit and loss statement

Unearned income

  • Annuity statement
  • Statement of pension distribution from any government or private source
  • Worker’s compensation letter
  • Prizes, settlements, and awards, including court-ordered awards letter
  • Proof of gifts and contributions
  • Proof of inheritances in cash or property
  • Proof of strike pay and other benefits from unions
  • Sales receipts or other proof of money received from the sale, exchange or replacement of things you own
  • Interests and dividends income statement
  • Loan statement showing loan proceeds
  • Royalty income statement or 1099-MISC
  • Proof of bonus/incentive payments (like a letter of bank statement showing deposit)
  • Proof of severance pay
  • Pay stub indicating sick pay
  • Letter, deposit, or other proof of deferred compensation payments
  • Pay stub indicating substitute/assistant pay
  • Pay stub indicating vacation pay
  • Proof of residuals
  • Letter, deposit, or other proof of travel/business reimbursement pay

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